Typewriters at the American Writers Museum

AWM Story of the Week

Every week, the AWM is excited to bring you stories written by our visitors in our Story of the Day exhibit. Check back weekly for new stories, and visit the Museum to try out our typewriters and possibly be featured here!

Iliana, if America is your home, you are an American. It is our diversity that makes us great. We’re so glad you found inspiration here, and hope you’ve continued to write. Best of luck!

On my way out of my session with the therapist I saw the Museum sign – American Writers Museum. Always aspiring to be one, but born outside of America, I wonder, if when I make it one day (hopefully soon), would I be considered an American Writer? Most of my most amazing stories happened because I made it here…So, why not? 🙂 Emojis on typewriters are tricky 😉

I picked to type on this sheet because, ever so gently, someone had already typed “happiness” on the top, and that is all we seek. Thank you, Chicago, for opening this space, it will be my new favorite place, in my most favorite city in America.

Looking forward to returning – the danish design stacking chairs, the copy of Algren’s book, Hemingway’s photo…each meaning nothing to you, but each a story to me…

Cheers to many happy writings 🙂


Words have meaning and power, it is important to be aware of that. Bravo!

I pause before I begin to put

my fingers on these keys

as if

i realize

my words




A look at the past, and a hope for the future…

It is the 1940s and women still cannot rise to the level of CEO. Someday, this too will change. One day my granddaughter will not have to sit in a smoky office working as a copywriter, she will go forth into this great city recording device in hand and will compose the stories which some college intern will copy. That college intern might even be a boy.

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