close-up of typewriter platen

AWM Story of the Week

Every week, the AWM is excited to bring you stories written by our visitors in our Story of the Day exhibit. Check back weekly for new stories, and visit the Museum to try out our typewriters and possibly be featured here!

We work to preserve diversity and individual voices – thanks for doing your part too!

A room for readers

Another for writers!

My eyes tear up

and I say a silent prayer

for the preservation of

the sacred human voice,

the voice of the heart,

the free voice of the individual heart,

in the midst of our insane America.


Thanks for visiting! We’re so glad you were inspired and felt the unique joy of discovery.

I wanted to capture the feeling of one who had just discovered something for the very first time. So I decided to pay a visit to the American Writers Museum. The joy of discovery is always informed by the work of others, so I was not surprised to note that many lifetimes’ work of hundreds of writers long gone helped propel my inspiration onward.

The next two stories were on the same sheet, but have very different content. Any ideas on how to connect the two?

Down the hallway was the kitchen, and past the kitchen was the wasteland. It hadn’t seemed right that past the kitchen was the wasteland, but every apartment is different. For instance, this apartment had a wasteland in it. It also had a washer and dryer, so it wasn’t all bad. The wasteland wasn’t ideal though. If Henrietta could have gotten a wasteland-less apartment, boy would she have.

If she were honest, and she rarely was, the wasteland had been exciting at first. What would come out of the wasteland and into the kitchen? It turns out, the answer was wolves. Many wolves. Which was inconvenient come dinner time, when she just wanted to eat her Blue Apron, and the wolves did too. “Go back to the wasteland,” she would say, but the wolves didn’t listen. Or probably they listened, but they were wolves, so what did they know from English?

American Writers Museum, 5-30-18

I think I’m enjoying being here alone! The museum is so quiet and there are not that many people round these parts. I am typing at like 120 wpm and it is making me nervous that the typewriter will break but…this is cool and I feel like a TrU HiPSteR. So after this I think I’m going to go to the Rookery and Revival Food Hall, then it’s off to Settle in Seattle! Dang typos on this thing are NOT forgiving. fghsde bello scrivere con una macchina elettrica

These are the best typewriters ever made – and certainly the fastest. I’ve typed up docs for some of Boston’s most obsessive, driven people, and Selectrics always got me through it with flying colors : )

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