
The do-it-yourself mentality is thriving. Websites like Pinterest offer everyday people the chance to create [...]

Follow the Classics with these Books by Women Writers

A couple years ago, I challenged myself to go a whole year reading only women [...]

American Literary Playlists – Part 3

The creative processes of literary writing and songwriting have always been intertwined. Musicians such as [...]

Edward Abbey

In the closing pages of his book Desert Solitaire Edward Abbey writes, “Whether we live [...]

Created Worlds, Part 2

For the writer of mainstream fiction, creating detailed origins for the people and places in [...]

Steinbeck’s Monterey

Of all the American writers influenced by a sense of place, there were perhaps few [...]


Remembering Nelle Harper Lee

Almost anyone can throw words together and refer to themselves as a writer; few, however, [...]

Sex and the City and the Best of Everything

Shortly before Rona Jaffe’s death in 2005, she wrote the foreword for a reissue of [...]

Zane Grey

An awkward moment occurred during my recent tour of the author Zane Grey’s, cabin in [...]

William Apess’ “Looking-Glass”: Why We Should All Read It

Throughout American history, countless have left their mark on society with their words. William Apess [...]

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